*What is freedom? Hundreds detained in Belarus Social Network Revolution: "President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a major press conference last week that he was not going to allow any unsanctioned rallies in central Minsk.“I will listen to you but do not oppose the law and the authorities. If you do – the proper reaction will follow,” Lukashenko told his political opponents."
Social network activists ask Lukashenko to stop persecution of silent protesters: "The letter urged Lukashenko “not to give illegal orders” which will not stop the protest actions in any case. “We will not stop, the actions will continue under any circumstances… Now the process of Belarusians’ acquiring self-awareness is under way. Soon dozens of thousands of people will not feel intimidated” ."
*The Saudis prepare to step up: "We Arabs used to say no to peace, and we got our comeuppance in 1967. In 2002 King Abdullah offered what has become the Arab Peace Initiative. Based on UN Security Council Resolution 242, it calls for an end to the conflict based on land for peace. The Israelis withdraw from all occupied lands, including East Jerusalem, reach a mutually agreed solution to the Palestinian refugees and recognise the Palestinian state. In return, they will get full diplomatic recognition from the Arab world and all the Muslim states, an end to hostilities and normal relations with all these states."
*4th of July: Independence Day for Whom? "This ideal deserves a true celebration, even if the reality has fallen so short. Our task is to restore the goal, and institute the means to make it genuine. If our Nation was created by men of honor, it can be reinstated with brothers and sisters of similar courage and integrity. Are you one of this new breed that seeks LIBERTY? Or are you content on bowing to a dictator of a depraved empire? We all must choose! Who’s birthday will you celebrate . . . Your own as a ‘son of liberty’, or a master who you continue to pay homage."
*Oil spill outrages Montana residents: Up to 42,000 gallons surge overnight Friday into the Yellowstone River, and some say Exxon Mobil's cleanup needs more oversight: "Some officials feared the oil would reach the Missouri River, just across the border in North Dakota.
"The water is fast and furious," said Kennedy, the Yellowstone County official. "I'm hoping that we get it cleaned up and stopped before it even approaches there"."
*Researchers find plastic in more than 9% of fish in northern Pacific Ocean: "The study published this week by scientists at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego estimated that fish in the middle depths of the northern Pacific Ocean are ingesting as much as 24,000 tons of plastic each year."
*Sea turtle choked with 317 plastic pieces found dead on Australian beach: "According to a recent study, about 36 percent of sea turtles are affected by marine debris, which is 17 times higher than any previous estimate. This is quite an alarming figure for these threatened sea turtles and marine ecosystem, she added."
*Dead Penguins Washing Ashore With Disturbing Regularity: "For the last ten years, with disturbing regularity, penguins have been washing ashore starving or covered in oil. And while the origins of these annual mass deaths remain officially a mystery -- one biologists believes he knows the sinister truth behind them."
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