Wednesday, July 27, 2011

300 000 families face displacement

CHISUMBANJE — About 300 000 families could be displaced in Chisumbanje if a company that is setting up an Ethanol Plant, Macdom, goes ahead with its plans to acquire 40 000 hectares of land in the area.
Macdom is leasing the land from State-owned Arda. Spokesperson for the affected villagers, Gwenzi Wedzerai, told NewsDay the firm had started growing sugarcane on 5 112 hectares and had indicated it would want to acquire more land so as to meet its target of 80 000 kilolitres of Ethanol per day.
“We thought this project was going to bring relief to the people of Chisumbanje but it’s actually displacing them,” said Wedzerai.
He added 83 families from Rimayi and Chinyamukwakwa villages had been forced to relocate to neighbouring Mozambique after the company encroached into communal plots and ploughed down their crops.
“The only people that have received compensation are war veterans who got $600 and they are using these people to intimidate villagers opposed to the project,” said Wedzerai.
The villagers also alleged they were struggling to raise penalties for their livestock which stray into the sugarcane plantations.
The company allegedly demanded $20 per head and villagers claimed they ended up selling some of them to pay the fine.
“Villagers are being forced to sell some of their livestock for them to be able to pay the penalty,” said Wedzerai, adding they had presented their grievances to Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, who had promised to look into the issue.
Although strenuous efforts to get comment from Macdom were unsuccessful, Arda chairman Basil Nyabadza said the issue was being blown out of proportion.
“Everything that we have been doing in Chisumbanje has been out of consensus with the villagers, but maybe out of 10 villagers you get two who say something. I think, we need to meet and sit down and talk about it,” Nyabadza.

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LulzSec hacking suspect 'Topiary' arrested

Jyly 27, 2011 Police arrest 19-year-old man in Shetland Islands who is alleged to be involved in hacker attacks on law enforcement agencies
The international hunt for computer hackers linked to attacks on law enforcement agencies has led to the arrest of a teenager in the Shetland Islands.
Officers from the Metropolitan police's e-crime unit arrested a 19-year-old at his home on Wednesday as part of a global hunt for hackers connected to the LulzSec and Anonymous groups.
Scotland Yard said the suspect uses the online nickname "Topiary", who has been presented as a spokesman for the LulzSec collective and one of the most prominent names in the so-called "hacktivist" movement.
The teenager is the third person to be arrested in the UK in connection with attacks on the electronics giant Sony, as well as assaults on US government agencies.
A 16-year-old from South London was arrested and released on bail last week. Essex teenager Ryan Cleary, 19, is due to appear before a London court on 30 August charged with a number of attacks on websites.
Police also said a 17-year-old male is being interviewed under caution, but was not arrested, in connection with the hacking inquiry. A residential address in Lincolnshire is being searched.
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Picture: Venus And "BlackSpot"

I have been following the SOHO LASCO telescope images for a while now... I know the bright spot is Venus, but can anyone tell me what that 'Big BLACK spot' is doing there? Thanks a lot! 

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One World One Revolution

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SOHO LASCO C3 (07/26/2011) 1000iN (Behind venus?)

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SOHO LASCO C2 (07/26/2011) 1000i (Normal)

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SOHO LASCO C2 (07/26/2011) 1000i (SHORT)

1000 images

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