Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bulge in the ocean


Axel Bojanowski Nature Geoscience 4, 421 (2011)
Published online 30 June 2011
Some giants are so big, they are practically invisible.
Geophysicists have discovered one of them — a huge hump of water in the South Pacific that is imperceptible to the naked eye. Satellites aided scientists in tracking the phenomenon. Carmen Böning and her colleagues at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have reported a bulge in ocean waters that extended over an area the size of Australia for some months, and measured up to six centimetres in height (C. Böning et al. Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L04602; 2011). A “record” or an “unusual maximum”, say the researchers.

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Northern Colorado reservoirs are brimming

Carter, Horsetooth haven't been this full in 7 years
Normally, Carter Lake is sporting a 30-foot-wide shoreline this time of year.
Right now, there is virtually none.
The Bureau of Reclamation reservoir west of Berthoud is completely full, and officials expect Horsetooth Reservoir west of Fort Collins to be full within 10 days -- conditions not seen for at least seven years.
"There's a whole generation of boaters that haven't seen Carter Lake this full and definitely not this full this long," said Dan Rieves, visitor services manager for the Larimer County Department of Natural Resources.
That means excellent conditions for boaters and fishers, who will likely enjoy an extended season at both reservoirs, Rieves said.
"We will have high water longer in the season," he said.
The reservoirs are owned by the federal Bureau of Reclamation, the water distributed by Northern Water, and recreation on them and their surrounding parks handled by Larimer County.
Most of the water is from the Western Slope and carried to Larimer County through a system of pipes, tunnels and the Big Thompson River.
This year, though, heavy snowpack and rain have lessened the amount of water pulled from the Western Slope because more runoff is available, said Dana Strongin, spokeswoman for Northern Water, the water conservancy district based in Berthoud.
Carter Lake is so full that as soon as some water is released to farmers and other users, it is replaced.
"The Bureau of Reclamation will not put another gallon into Carter Lake," Rieves said. "It's as full as they're going to fill it."
In fact, in some areas at Carter Lake, boaters are able to pull up next to campsites, and anglers are able to cast right from the road in certain campground areas, he said.
Horsetooth is not as full as Carter, but it was reported at 93 percent full Wednesday. The reservoir rose 10 feet in 30 days and should be full within another 10, officials said.
"It's been quite a while since these reservoirs have been that full," Rieves said.
Pamela Dickman can be reached at 669-5050, ext. 526, or

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Police Officers Kidnap Child What Would You Do to the Cops?

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'It smells like doo-doo' quip prompted cops' attack, Bronx teen says

A Bronx teen said two cops roughed him up when he mouthed off after one of them stepped in a pile of dog doo.
Officers Joseph Murphy, 26, and Jose Ocasio, 28, were charged Monday with assault, accused of beating up Tyre Davis, 17, outside a police stationhouse Feb. 18. 
Davis, a senior at Brandeis High School in Manhattan, told the Daily News on Tuesday he was walking with a friend near E. 181st St. and Creston Ave. in Fordham Heights when the feces hit the fan.
"It smells like doo-doo," he remembers saying and then immediately regretting when he saw a uniformed cop scraping his shoe clean.
"I was like, 'Oh, man - why did I say that?'"Davis said.
At that point, he said other officers in an unmarked van nearby scolded him for making a joke, then handcuffed him and took him to the 46th Precinct.
He said Murphy and Ocasio followed him when he was released after getting a disorderly conduct summons and led him into an alley. One punched him in the right ear, the other in the forehead, he said.
Davis said he fell and hit his head on a brick wall during the 30-second attack. "I thought I was going to die," he said.
He contacted Internal Affairs, which investigated his claim and arrested the officers. The officers expect to be vindicated, their lawyer said after the arrest.

American-Jewish young man is being harassed

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US bigger peace threat than Iran: Poll

A recent survey conducted in Germany has revealed that the people of the European country perceive the United States as a more serious threat to global peace than Iran.
Results from the opinion poll carried out by the German social research and statistical analysis, Forsa, indicate that 45 percent of those surveyed believe that the US is a more serious threat to world peace than Iran.
Twenty-eight percent of the respondents deemed Iran a bigger threat than the US, with 27 percent unable to choose between the two. 

The survey, which questioned 1,500 German adults on June 17-29, 2011, did not include other choices such as Israel, which analysts introduce as a better-known threat to peace in the world's public opinion.
The results of the Forsa study come at a time when the US, the only country to have ever used nuclear bombs against another nation, is attempting to put mounting international pressure on Iran to force the Islamic Republic to halt its peaceful nuclear program. 
Meanwhile, a new poll released on Wednesday cast light on the dissatisfaction of a vast majority of the people in the Arab world with US President Barack Obama and his administration's policies in the Middle East. 
The poll conducted by the Arab American Institute in the six Arab nations of Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) demonstrated that the Obama administration is viewed less favorably in much of the Arab world today than that of his predecessor George W. Bush during his last year in office.
Only 5 percent of Egyptians surveyed said they have a favorable opinion of the US and its president. The same figure was 10 percent in Jordan and 12 percent in the UAE.
The poll also found that 88 percent of Moroccans think that Obama has not met the expectations laid out in his 2009 “Cairo speech.”
Disappointment with the US was highest in Lebanon, where 99 percent of the respondents disapproved of Obama's policies. In Saudi Arabia, 77 percent of the respondents said they felt betrayed by the US.

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Obama is a COP KILLER!!!

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