Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dutch Band Attacked By Israel Defense Forces

Dutch Band Attacked By IDF For Bringing Happiness To Oppressed Palestinian Children:
July 30, 2011 A 25-piece Dutch street band has been traveling through the embattled West Bank for two weeks now, enlivening and engaging the downtrodden Palestinian people.
What do they get in return? Lungs full of tear gas.
Today the Palestine News Network reported that tens of Israeli Army thugs fired tear gas canisters at the Amsterdman-based Dutch street orchestra called Fanfare van de Eerste Liefdesnacht, which means “the First Night of Love Brass Band” during their performance.
When they were attacked, the band was playing in the northern West Bank villiage of Kufr Qadum, near Nablus.
This village is mostly Palestinian but has suffered recent attacks from radical Jewish colonists.
The people of Kufr Qadum have been victims of arson, physical violence, and destruction of property. There are also Israeli military checkpoints regularly erected around the roads leading in and out of the village.
The brave Dutch musicians have been travelling around the West Bank, visiting various villages, towns, and refugee camps. Their shows are interactive and engaging, and involve working with Palestinian children from a refugee camp east of Bethlehem.
The performers play along with the children and dance in the streets together, bringing joy to the lives of children who live in constant poverty with the fear of death at the hands of Israeli extremists.
Kufr Qadum is just one of the many villages that are being actively targeted by illegal Israeli settlers who, in direct opposition to international law, steal the land of the Palestinian people.
Traditionally, the corporate-controlled special interest media in the West portrays the Palestinians as brutal, freedom-hating terrorists seeking to destroy Israel and the entire concept of Western civilization and democracy.
This could not be further from the truth and this case shows this to be true, yet again.

The town council of Kufr Qadum invited the 25 Dutch musicians to their town to perform and entertain the Palestinians who are victimized daily by the Zionist invading forces. How does this fit with the propagandized picture of rabid Islamic radical terrorists who hate the West and all who reside there?
If this is the case, we would not see a large group of white Dutch people traveling around the West Bank for an entire two week period without being targeted by the so-called terrorists of Palestine. It would be quite easy for anyone to attack a bunch of unarmed middle-aged musicians standing in a group, but it does not happen. Why?
It is quite simple: the people of Palestine do not hate people who realize that the Israeli government and their allies like the United States have created a completely false picture of the Arab holocaust that is currently being carried out.
The people of Palestine realize that the Israelis loathe anyone who supports the right of Palestine to exist as a sovereign state just as much as they loathe the Palestinians.
An Israeli soldier would just as happily kill an Israeli Jew who was defending the Palestinians as they would a Palestinian attempting to fend off tanks by throwing rocks.
Simply put: if you question the terrorist actions of Israel and the radical Zionist cause, you are against Israel and are therefore an enemy.
This was made quite clear by the Israeli Army today with their attack on the peaceful band who was entertaining crowds and giving them a moment’s respite from the hellish environment of the West Bank.
I look forward to seeing how the media spins this one. Maybe the Dutch band members were secretly terrorists and inside of their tubas and trombones were AK-47s and rockets they were smuggling to Hamas?
It never ceased to amaze me the lengths that the Israeli media and their Zionist allies across the world will go to in order to justify their crimes.
I might have a little bit more respect for the state of Israel if they would just come out and admit that they intend to massacre Palestinians, even women and children, for the foreseeable future, or at least until every Palestinian leaves their ancestors’ home.
At least then they would have a tiny bit of integrity, enough to admit that they are engaging in ethnic cleansing no different than any of the genocides carried out by maniacal tyrants throughout the ages.

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