Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Big snow turns to big slush

July 26, 2011 
The big clean up is well underway across the country following yesterday's record snowfalls in what may well end up being the coldest day of 2011.
Most state highways have now reopened and city councils in Dunedin and Christchurch have set about clearing most of the local roads of snow and ice.
Snowfalls made way to harsh frosts this morning, particularly in the South Island, although some snow is expected on Arthurs Pass, Milford Rd and the Desert Road later today.
Westerlies are forecast to strengthen over the South Island today, with heavy rain forecast of the west of the country, however temperatures are forecast to pick up following a frigid past few days.
WeatherWatch head analyst Philip Duncan said yesterday may well have been the coldest day of the year.
The national high was just 12 degrees recorded in Northland yesterday.
Only several centres reached double digits with the majority of the country reaching single digit highs, mostly between 4 and 8 degrees.
Mr Duncan said it was unlikely the country, overall, would be as cold for the remainder of 2011.
"Clearly we can't completely rule out the possibility of another major polar blast but with temperatures soon about to rise with longer sunlight hours and spring just a few weeks away it would be surprising to see another outbreak as bitterly cold as this one."
Read more: nzherald.co.nz/weather/news

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