Wednesday, July 6, 2011


      _  _                   __   __    
   __| || |__ _____    _____/  |_|__| ______ ____   ____        #antisec  
   \   __   / \__  \  /    \   __\  |/  ___// __ \_/ ___\       #anonops    
    |  ||  |   / __ \|   |  \  | |  |\___ \\  ___/\  \___       #antisec      
   /_  ~~  _\ (____  /___|  /__| |__/____ \ \___ \ \___  |      #lulzsec      
     |_||_|        \/     \/             \/     \/     \/       #blackhats

To all friendly and enemy vessels,

Today we want to introduce you to Nimbuzz, a Dutch company providing a free
mobile messaging application carrying the same name. This company is not
situated in just the Netherlands as they have offices in Argentina, India,
Indonesia and all over Europe. So why does this company interest us? Well,
simply put, they are capable and self-admittingly willing to co-operate with
governments to help censor the public's use of the very service they offer.

Now it should be noted that some of our blackhat friends who are extensively
involved in the AntiSec movement have had access to this company's networks for
some time. Their access to this network is best described as complete access to
everything in their network including all of their source code on Nimbuzz's svn
server. The gross incompetence of the security model put in place for this
server astounded even us.

We have access to many many networks and because of this we have to prioritize
what is of interest or use to us (or you, the public that we love so much).
However, we had some friends bring it to our attention that this Nimbuzz
company is actually enacting policies that directly go against everything
Antisec stands for. Thus, here we are.

To prove that we aren't making this up here is a document in their CMS
displaying the procedure of how, if requested, they can switch off VOIP
services BY GOVERNMENT REQUEST. A quote from the document:

  "In some countries governments and/or operators have reasons for not allowing
  VoIP over (mobile) data networks. They may use technical means to active
  block and / or throttle the Nimbuzz traffic over their network. This results
  in total, partial or severe Nimbuzz service degradation towards the end-user.

  When these cases are known, Nimbuzz will open dialogue with the
  government/operator. Aim is to resolve the service degradation and restore
  quality of service. In return for allowing Nimbuzz service to run properly,
  we can offer to switch of VoIP calls on this operator network."

The document goes further to state that Nimbuzz currently blocks all VOIP
traffic in Syria and Egypt and even includes specific data such as IP ranges
given by providers.

This is entirely unacceptable and let's make this perfectly clear:

We DO NOT tolerate any kind of censorship of communication.

We DO NOT tolerate companies working in collusion with governments to stop the
free flow of information

We WILL expose these companies to the public to show how their information can
be manipulated and censored by the governments and corporations that work with

Thus, we release the document mentioned above in full as well as some other
information from their CMS. As a bonus we have also acquired some code from the
/trunk directory on their svn. In total we downloaded over 120 Gigabyte of
source code but will not release it..yet.

Take heed, governments that seek to oppose the people who elect them and the
corporations who the people work for - We will not stand idly by while you take
away our electronic and physical freedom.

"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid
of their people."


VOIP Block CMS Site:
AntiBuzz.rar (4.25 MB):

Mirrors available soon, also to be included in next torrent release. Let it flow!


Info is free, spread it!

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