Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ancient terrain found on Atlantic seabed

July 13, 2011
Researchers have discovered a 56million-year-old lost terrain submerged beneath the North Atlantic in the west of the Orkney-Shetland Islands while analyzing data collected for oil companies.
The 3D image of the landscape developed using an advanced echo-sounding technique shows how the North Atlantic would have looked around 56million years ago, Science Daily News reports.
The hi-tech echo sounding technique releases high-pressured air as well as sound waves that pass through sediments on the ocean floor. The echo is then gathered by a microphone being dangled deep underwater from a ship travelling on the ocean’s surface, according to the article published in the journal Nature Geoscience.

Likened to the mythical lost city of Atlantis, the 1.2mile-deep landscape has several peaks indicating that it may once belonged to mountains and even eight major rivers, the researchers suggest.
It is like an ancient fossil landscape preserved beneath the seabed, said the researcher Nicky White, from University of Cambridge.
Submerged beneath the North Atlantic Ocean, the landscape would once rise up to 0.6 miles above sea level and then join up with Scotland. It may also even expand to Norway, the scientists claim. FGP/PKH Source:

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